Q: I can no longer care for my pet. Can I bring my dog/cat/rabbit to you?
A: If you originally adopted the dog, cat or rabbit from Red Door, we will take the pet back. Please try to give us notice that you need to return your adopted animal.
But if the animal was not adopted from Red Door, then no, Red Door does not accept animals brought to the door for surrender. Because we are a no-kill shelter, we must maintain room for all the animals currently living at the shelter. Therefore, we request you email us at info@RedDoorShelter.org with information and a photo of the pet you want to surrender. We can email you with information on how long the wait might be and we can also give you some other possibilities. You should read our “Thinking of Giving Up Your Pet?” article.
Also, please remember that if you adopted an animal from a shelter, your adoption contract usually requires that you return the animal to that shelter. Red Door will always accept back any animal we have adopted out.